Our November/December 2024 issue is available
This is our 20th Anniversary Issue!
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Fancy Pigeons, Performing Pigeons, Pigeon Shows,
Racing Pigeons, International Pigeons...
whatever your interest, it's in Purebred Pigeon!
Shows - Coverage
of the major pigeon shows - NPA National, National Young Bird show,
Pageant of Pigeons, Des Moines, State shows - with color photos
and on-the-spot interviews; large specialty meets; Pigeon Show Calendar;
International shows. Anything and everything about Fancy Pigeons.
Performing - Flying Tipplers, Rollers, Parlor Rollers, Doneks, Vouta, Kelebek, Poltli –
any pigeon breed that performs.
Plus -
General pigeon care, genetics, in-depth interviews, international
pigeon shows, history of the sport, racing, health care and club news. Photos
of breeds not seen in the U.S.
Classified & Display Advertising
Fancy Pigeons, Performing Pigeons, Pigeon Shows,
Racing Pigeons, International Pigeons...
whatever your interest, it's in Purebred Pigeon!
Along with our print version,
Purebred Pigeon is now available ONLINE!
The entire magazine - for your desktop, laptop, tablet or phone!
Just click on the cover
to see our November/December 2023 issue online
Then go to our SUBSCRIPTION PAGE to buy!